
Column:Industry dynamic Time:2017-09-18

原创 2017-09-11 中国钢铁新闻网 中国冶金报社


Shift to electric cars 


■Thyssenkrupp's European steel business, expected to be merged soon with its counterpart at Tata Steel, will get a boost from the auto industry's shift toward electric vehicles, a senior executive at the group said.


■Investors and analysts are closely watching any hints from Thyssenkrupp over the restructuring of its steel operations in Europe, with many expecting a merger could mark the first step towards a full exit of the business.

■ 投资人和分析人士正在密切关注蒂森克虏伯集团如何改组其欧洲钢铁业务的消息,很多人认为相关的合并可能是其完全退出钢铁业务的第一步。


■However, Bernhard Osburg, head of automotive sales at Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe, highlighted the potential value of the steel business in future as major car industry customers shift away from combustion engines towards battery technologies.

■ 蒂森克虏伯欧洲钢铁公司的汽车销售主管伯恩哈德·奥斯博格(Bernhard Osburg)强调,汽车工业主要客户的消费重点逐渐从内燃机动力向电池动力发展。在这一趋势下,未来钢铁工业的潜在价值值得期待。


■"Without steel, there will not be electric mobility," he told journalists at Thyssenkrupp's headquarters on Tuesday."We expect e-mobility to be a positive business case for us," he added, singling out electrical steel strip and high-strength steel as two products that will see higher demand as more electric vehicles are made.

■ 他周二(95)在蒂森克虏伯总部向记者表示:没有钢铁就不存在电动汽车。他特别提出,电工钢和高强钢市场将因为电动汽车的发展而需求旺盛。我们期待这次向电动汽车领域的业务转变能成为一次成功的案例。他补充说。


■Thyssenkrupp has been in talks with Tata Steel for more than a year about a merger of both companies' European steel operations, arguing it was the best way to eliminate overcapacity in the volatile sector.

■ 蒂森克虏伯已经与塔塔集团就正和他们在欧洲的钢铁业务洽谈超过一年。双方公司认为,在如今动荡的行情中,整合是化解过剩产能最好的办法。


■Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe supplies about 6 million tons of steel to the car industry and its supply chain per year, accounting for about half its total annual production.

■ 蒂森克虏伯欧洲钢铁公司每年向汽车及相关产业提供600万吨钢铁产品,大约占其年度总产量的50%

■The automotive industry is Thyssenkrupp's single biggest customer group, accounting for 9.8 billion euros ($11.7 billion), or a quarter, of group sales. Thyssenkrupp says its components are used in nine out of 10 premium cars, including all models of electric car maker Tesla.

■ 汽车工业是蒂森克虏伯公司最大的客户群,每年为其带来98亿欧元(117亿美元)的收入,占集团总收入的1/4。蒂森克虏伯表示市场上每10辆高档汽车中有9辆采用了他们的产品, 包括电动汽车生产商特斯拉(Tesla)公司旗下的所有车型。


■Osburg said electrical steel strip was instrumental in helping extending ranges for electric cars, a key source of concern among prospective buyers, adding the growing need to protect batteries inside cars also required stronger steel. "Here you need highest strength levels in a confined space," he said.

■ 奥斯博格说,电工钢的使用对提高电动汽车的行驶里程非常有帮助,也是很多投资人非常看重的一点,特别是随着对电动汽车电池防爆需求的日益增加,市场对高强度钢材的需求也日益提升。 “在这里,要求产品在有限的空间内达到最大的强度水平。他说。

Opening New TechCenter Additive Manufacturing 


■Earlier this year, German industrial company thyssenkrupp announced its intention to open a new facility dedicated entirely to 3D printing. The announcement was made in April, and the company stated that the new center would be open by September. This past week, the center officially opened, right on schedule. The TechCenter Additive Manufacturing is located in the German city of Mülheim an der Ruhr, on the premises of a thyssenkrupp steering components facility. 

■ 今年4月份,德国蒂森克虏伯公司宣布将要开设一家增材制造生产基地,并表示新机构将在9月开始运行。上周(9月初),在德国米尔海姆市(Mülheim an der Ruhr)的一家蒂森克虏伯转向器工厂内,这个名为增材制造技术中心的机构开始正式运行。

■Markets the company expects to be impacted by 3D printing in particular include engineering, aerospace, automotive and naval shipbuilding, and several internal projects are already in the works.


■“Additive manufacturing is a further step in the digital transformation of our company and an important element of our innovation strategy,” said Dr. Heinrich Hiesinger, CEO of thyssenkrupp AG, at the inauguration of the center.

■ “进军增材制造产业是我们公司向数字化生产转变的重要一步,也是实现我们创新战略的重要一环。蒂森克虏伯首席执行官海里希·赫辛根(Heinrich Hiesinger)博士在公司的开业仪式上表示。

■Thyssenkrupp has invested more than €1 million in the center, which currently houses an SLS 3D printer for plastics and an SLM machine for metals. In 2015, the company set up an interdisciplinary additive manufacturing project group to identify potential applications for 3D printing technology; the team is now working to obtain patents for several 3D printed projects. Thyssenkrupp has already seen big improvements to several processes and components by using 3D printing in initial internal projects.

■ 蒂森克虏伯已经为这个项目投资逾100万欧元,目前已经拥有SLS 3D塑料材料打印机和SLM金属材料打印机。早在2015年,该公司就设立了跨学科的增材制造项目小组来探索3D打印技术可能的应用领域,并正在为多个3D项目申请专利。蒂森克虏伯也已在其多个内部项目中获得重大进展,并采用3D打印技术生产零部件。

■For example, the team 3D printed a probe that can take gas samples from furnaces, designing and manufacturing it with integrated cooling channels that make it heat-resistant enough to be used in the hottest furnaces, such as cement plant kilns. That design was only possible through 3D printing. In another example, several Marine Systems parts, only needed in small quantities, could be made more quickly and inexpensively by using 3D printing and making them in strong plastic rather than metal.

■ 例如,3D打印团队成功生产了用于从高温炉体内采集气体样本的探测器,其设计和制造中采用的整体式冷却槽技术,使产品能够抵御包括水泥回转窑在内的最高炉内温度。这个设计目前只能通过3D打印技术才能得以实现。另外,对于许多船舶系统的零部件,因其产品需求量小,不具备传统方式的规模生产条件。但是通过3D打印技术,可以用高强度塑料成功替代金属材料,从而实现零部件的快速生产,且制造成本低。


■“For the first time we can focus fully on the design itself without having to factor in the restrictions imposed by conventional manufacturing processes – that opens up completely new potential for innovation,” said Dr. Reinhold Achatz, CTO, thyssenkrupp AG.

■ “这是我们第一次实现只考虑设计方案本身,而不用考虑常规生产过程带来得诸多限制因素——这一点使更多潜在的创新成为可能。蒂森克虏伯AG公司CTO Reinhold Achatz博士说。 

■With the official opening of the TechCenter Additive Manufacturing, the team is further developing its products and technology and focusing on what has industrial potential. For the next three years, the TechCenter will be managed by thyssenkrupp’s central development department; after that, it will become part of the Materials Services business area.

■ 在这个技术中心正式投入运行后,工作团队正在进一步开发新的产品和技术,探索其在工业应用领域的潜力。在未来的3年中,该中心将在蒂森克虏伯公司开发部的领导下运行;之后,将并入材料服务业务部门。 


■“We know exactly what materials are best suited to what products and have the logistics and project management experience to help the TechCenter advance quickly. Thanks to our broad customer base we know exactly who could benefit from 3D printing technology,” said Hans-Josef Hoß, member of the board of thyssenkrupp Materials Services. “We involve our customers from the word go and can manufacture parts quickly in line with their individual requirements and in batch sizes as low as 1.”

■ “我们清楚地了解何种材料适合于何种产品,也有合适的物流和项目管理经验来帮助这个技术中心得以迅速成长。感谢我们广大的客户,我们非常了解如何通过3D打印技术获得进步。蒂森克虏伯材料服务部董事会董事Hans-Josef Hoß表示。在我们的系统中,客户占有非常重要的地位。获得订单后,我们将迅速根据其个性化要求生产部件,每个批次最少可只生产一件产品。


■In addition to the TechCenter Additive Manufacturing, thyssenkrupp also runs two other innovation centers: the TechCenter Control Technology, which is focused on process simulation and big data solutions, and the TechCenter for battery production, which is focused on e-mobility. Thyssenkrupp describes the autonomous centers as “speedboats” to rapidly drive the acceleration of new technology.

■ 在本次投入运行的技术中心外,蒂森克虏伯还拥有其他2个创新中心:于过程仿真和大数据解决方案的控制技术中心和用于电动汽车研发的电池生产中心。蒂森克虏伯将这些独立运行的公司比喻为能够加速新技术研发的快艇


■The global 3D printing market is projected to grow to $21 billion by 2020, and about $10 billion of that will be generated by thyssenkrupp’s target markets, so the company intends to quickly ramp up its adoption of additive manufacturing. The TechCenter Additive Manufacturing will serve as a model and a nucleus for a larger network of additive manufacturing centers of excellence in the near future. Discuss in the thyssenkrupp forum at 3DPB.com.



Selling Brazilian steel 


■Thyssenkrupp AG (TKA.XE) on Thursday said it completed the sale of its Brazilian steel operation Siderurgica do Atlantico, or CSA, to South America-focused steelmaker Ternium SA (TX) for 1.5 billion euros ($1.79 billion).

■ 上周四(97),蒂森克虏伯宣布已经完成其巴西钢厂Siderurgica do Atlantico(简称CSA )的出售程序,以15亿欧元(17.9亿美元)的价格向南美的特尔尼翁(Ternium)公司出售。 

■The transaction is effective retroactively to Sept. 30. It will reduce Thyssenkrupp's net financial debt "significantly," allowing its capital goods and services businesses to account for more than 75% of sales, the group said.

■ 蒂森克虏伯表示,本次交易将在930日生效,预计将显著降低蒂森克虏伯公司的净金融负债,以使主要产品和服务达到其总销售额的75%


■"With the sale of CSA, Thyssenkrupp has now fully divested Steel Americas and achieved a further important milestone on its strategic way forward," the German company said in a release.

■ 蒂森克虏伯在新闻公告中表示:“CSA的出售意味着蒂森克虏伯公司完全停止其在美洲市场的钢铁生产业务,是实施发展战略的重要里程碑。


■The company sold its processing plant in the U.S. to an ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel consortium in 2014.

■ 据悉,蒂森克虏伯曾于2014年将其位于美国美国阿拉巴马州Calvert钢厂出售给由阿塞洛米塔尔和新日铁组成的财团。


1.Shift to electric cars will boost steel demand, Thyssenkrupp says Automotive News Europe

2.Thyssenkrupp Opens New TechCenter Additive Manufacturing in Germany 3DPrint.com

3.Thyssenkrupp sells Brazilian steel unit to Ternium  (MarketWatch)


原创 2017-09-11 中国钢铁新闻网 中国冶金报社


Shift to electric cars 


■Thyssenkrupp's European steel business, expected to be merged soon with its counterpart at Tata Steel, will get a boost from the auto industry's shift toward electric vehicles, a senior executive at the group said.


■Investors and analysts are closely watching any hints from Thyssenkrupp over the restructuring of its steel operations in Europe, with many expecting a merger could mark the first step towards a full exit of the business.

■ 投资人和分析人士正在密切关注蒂森克虏伯集团如何改组其欧洲钢铁业务的消息,很多人认为相关的合并可能是其完全退出钢铁业务的第一步。


■However, Bernhard Osburg, head of automotive sales at Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe, highlighted the potential value of the steel business in future as major car industry customers shift away from combustion engines towards battery technologies.

■ 蒂森克虏伯欧洲钢铁公司的汽车销售主管伯恩哈德·奥斯博格(Bernhard Osburg)强调,汽车工业主要客户的消费重点逐渐从内燃机动力向电池动力发展。在这一趋势下,未来钢铁工业的潜在价值值得期待。


■"Without steel, there will not be electric mobility," he told journalists at Thyssenkrupp's headquarters on Tuesday."We expect e-mobility to be a positive business case for us," he added, singling out electrical steel strip and high-strength steel as two products that will see higher demand as more electric vehicles are made.

■ 他周二(95)在蒂森克虏伯总部向记者表示:没有钢铁就不存在电动汽车。他特别提出,电工钢和高强钢市场将因为电动汽车的发展而需求旺盛。我们期待这次向电动汽车领域的业务转变能成为一次成功的案例。他补充说。


■Thyssenkrupp has been in talks with Tata Steel for more than a year about a merger of both companies' European steel operations, arguing it was the best way to eliminate overcapacity in the volatile sector.

■ 蒂森克虏伯已经与塔塔集团就正和他们在欧洲的钢铁业务洽谈超过一年。双方公司认为,在如今动荡的行情中,整合是化解过剩产能最好的办法。


■Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe supplies about 6 million tons of steel to the car industry and its supply chain per year, accounting for about half its total annual production.

■ 蒂森克虏伯欧洲钢铁公司每年向汽车及相关产业提供600万吨钢铁产品,大约占其年度总产量的50%

■The automotive industry is Thyssenkrupp's single biggest customer group, accounting for 9.8 billion euros ($11.7 billion), or a quarter, of group sales. Thyssenkrupp says its components are used in nine out of 10 premium cars, including all models of electric car maker Tesla.

■ 汽车工业是蒂森克虏伯公司最大的客户群,每年为其带来98亿欧元(117亿美元)的收入,占集团总收入的1/4。蒂森克虏伯表示市场上每10辆高档汽车中有9辆采用了他们的产品, 包括电动汽车生产商特斯拉(Tesla)公司旗下的所有车型。


■Osburg said electrical steel strip was instrumental in helping extending ranges for electric cars, a key source of concern among prospective buyers, adding the growing need to protect batteries inside cars also required stronger steel. "Here you need highest strength levels in a confined space," he said.

■ 奥斯博格说,电工钢的使用对提高电动汽车的行驶里程非常有帮助,也是很多投资人非常看重的一点,特别是随着对电动汽车电池防爆需求的日益增加,市场对高强度钢材的需求也日益提升。 “在这里,要求产品在有限的空间内达到最大的强度水平。他说。

Opening New TechCenter Additive Manufacturing 


■Earlier this year, German industrial company thyssenkrupp announced its intention to open a new facility dedicated entirely to 3D printing. The announcement was made in April, and the company stated that the new center would be open by September. This past week, the center officially opened, right on schedule. The TechCenter Additive Manufacturing is located in the German city of Mülheim an der Ruhr, on the premises of a thyssenkrupp steering components facility. 

■ 今年4月份,德国蒂森克虏伯公司宣布将要开设一家增材制造生产基地,并表示新机构将在9月开始运行。上周(9月初),在德国米尔海姆市(Mülheim an der Ruhr)的一家蒂森克虏伯转向器工厂内,这个名为增材制造技术中心的机构开始正式运行。

■Markets the company expects to be impacted by 3D printing in particular include engineering, aerospace, automotive and naval shipbuilding, and several internal projects are already in the works.


■“Additive manufacturing is a further step in the digital transformation of our company and an important element of our innovation strategy,” said Dr. Heinrich Hiesinger, CEO of thyssenkrupp AG, at the inauguration of the center.

■ “进军增材制造产业是我们公司向数字化生产转变的重要一步,也是实现我们创新战略的重要一环。蒂森克虏伯首席执行官海里希·赫辛根(Heinrich Hiesinger)博士在公司的开业仪式上表示。

■Thyssenkrupp has invested more than €1 million in the center, which currently houses an SLS 3D printer for plastics and an SLM machine for metals. In 2015, the company set up an interdisciplinary additive manufacturing project group to identify potential applications for 3D printing technology; the team is now working to obtain patents for several 3D printed projects. Thyssenkrupp has already seen big improvements to several processes and components by using 3D printing in initial internal projects.

■ 蒂森克虏伯已经为这个项目投资逾100万欧元,目前已经拥有SLS 3D塑料材料打印机和SLM金属材料打印机。早在2015年,该公司就设立了跨学科的增材制造项目小组来探索3D打印技术可能的应用领域,并正在为多个3D项目申请专利。蒂森克虏伯也已在其多个内部项目中获得重大进展,并采用3D打印技术生产零部件。

■For example, the team 3D printed a probe that can take gas samples from furnaces, designing and manufacturing it with integrated cooling channels that make it heat-resistant enough to be used in the hottest furnaces, such as cement plant kilns. That design was only possible through 3D printing. In another example, several Marine Systems parts, only needed in small quantities, could be made more quickly and inexpensively by using 3D printing and making them in strong plastic rather than metal.

■ 例如,3D打印团队成功生产了用于从高温炉体内采集气体样本的探测器,其设计和制造中采用的整体式冷却槽技术,使产品能够抵御包括水泥回转窑在内的最高炉内温度。这个设计目前只能通过3D打印技术才能得以实现。另外,对于许多船舶系统的零部件,因其产品需求量小,不具备传统方式的规模生产条件。但是通过3D打印技术,可以用高强度塑料成功替代金属材料,从而实现零部件的快速生产,且制造成本低。


■“For the first time we can focus fully on the design itself without having to factor in the restrictions imposed by conventional manufacturing processes – that opens up completely new potential for innovation,” said Dr. Reinhold Achatz, CTO, thyssenkrupp AG.

■ “这是我们第一次实现只考虑设计方案本身,而不用考虑常规生产过程带来得诸多限制因素——这一点使更多潜在的创新成为可能。蒂森克虏伯AG公司CTO Reinhold Achatz博士说。 

■With the official opening of the TechCenter Additive Manufacturing, the team is further developing its products and technology and focusing on what has industrial potential. For the next three years, the TechCenter will be managed by thyssenkrupp’s central development department; after that, it will become part of the Materials Services business area.

■ 在这个技术中心正式投入运行后,工作团队正在进一步开发新的产品和技术,探索其在工业应用领域的潜力。在未来的3年中,该中心将在蒂森克虏伯公司开发部的领导下运行;之后,将并入材料服务业务部门。 


■“We know exactly what materials are best suited to what products and have the logistics and project management experience to help the TechCenter advance quickly. Thanks to our broad customer base we know exactly who could benefit from 3D printing technology,” said Hans-Josef Hoß, member of the board of thyssenkrupp Materials Services. “We involve our customers from the word go and can manufacture parts quickly in line with their individual requirements and in batch sizes as low as 1.”

■ “我们清楚地了解何种材料适合于何种产品,也有合适的物流和项目管理经验来帮助这个技术中心得以迅速成长。感谢我们广大的客户,我们非常了解如何通过3D打印技术获得进步。蒂森克虏伯材料服务部董事会董事Hans-Josef Hoß表示。在我们的系统中,客户占有非常重要的地位。获得订单后,我们将迅速根据其个性化要求生产部件,每个批次最少可只生产一件产品。


■In addition to the TechCenter Additive Manufacturing, thyssenkrupp also runs two other innovation centers: the TechCenter Control Technology, which is focused on process simulation and big data solutions, and the TechCenter for battery production, which is focused on e-mobility. Thyssenkrupp describes the autonomous centers as “speedboats” to rapidly drive the acceleration of new technology.

■ 在本次投入运行的技术中心外,蒂森克虏伯还拥有其他2个创新中心:于过程仿真和大数据解决方案的控制技术中心和用于电动汽车研发的电池生产中心。蒂森克虏伯将这些独立运行的公司比喻为能够加速新技术研发的快艇


■The global 3D printing market is projected to grow to $21 billion by 2020, and about $10 billion of that will be generated by thyssenkrupp’s target markets, so the company intends to quickly ramp up its adoption of additive manufacturing. The TechCenter Additive Manufacturing will serve as a model and a nucleus for a larger network of additive manufacturing centers of excellence in the near future. Discuss in the thyssenkrupp forum at 3DPB.com.

